Frank Sotzik BSc (Hons), PhD

My name is Frank, and I am gay.
There is a lot more to me than a simple statement such as that. This being an example of the types of barriers I wish to break down through my writing.
I am a lifelong student of science. I am a doctor of philosophy, a son, and a friend. I believe in health and happiness, and mostly a sense of purpose. My life experiences have taught me much and this I want to share, in the hope of providing some comfort to others experiencing what I have already.
Health and fitness are important to me.
I stay mentally and physically fit, through my passions of meditation, Tai Chi and ancient Chinese Chi Kung, and gym exercises. I am also a proud vegetarian.
I am not a counsellor, nor am I a psychologist.
I have however, been involved in the sciences for many years, researching and teaching Biochemistry, Immunology, Genetics and Neuroscience.
I am a friend.
My desire is that my readers can think of me as a friend. I am not trying to provide advice. I am simply sharing with you, my reader, what I have learnt in my life – some things you might relate to now, some things you might experience later, some things maybe never at all.
I do hope you enjoy my first edition, and I would love to receive your feedback, good or bad – as this will help develop future books by me.
Pop over to my facebook page, or send me an email via the contact page and share your thoughts with me.
"Those who know do not talk, those who talk do not know. " Lao Tzu, ca. 600 BC