Aisha's 1980s Party and the Charity to Help Sierra Leone in Africa
Aisha is the marketing and design force behind Words of Experience, the free e-book and the project, which is ongoing. She was a taxi passenger of mine on a Sunday night shift I was driving, which is how I first met her. When I showed her a draft of the e-book chapters on my iPhone 4 notes app, Aisha was quite excited and wanted me to contact her when finished. I did and because Aisha believed the free e-book could help many young people and she helped me free of charge. She did the cover design, formatted the book attractively, set up my website, as well as Facebook and Twitter to promote it. All was done with great professionalism and flair, typical of Aisha. Without Aisha's help, Words of Experience would never have had the same impact. This is a photo of Aisha and me, taken at the 1980s party to which I was invited by her. Aisha specialises in web design, web marketing and promotion involving social media in general. Aisha Murray is director of Sadhana Consulting. Contact her by e-mail:
I went to the party dressed as Marty McFly from the Back to the Future movies. It was a wonderful party and I enjoyed myself tremendously. At the party I met Aisha's friend Alice, who is involved in a charity called Liberty Steps. It aims to help the people of Sierra Leone in Africa have a better and sustainable future, living lives of dignity without poverty. This charity aims to achieve such goals by making education more accessable and by other means. Liberty Steps is not related to Words of Experience and neither does this site claim to be endorsed by Liberty Steps. However, if you are interested in Liberty Steps or wish to donate, please visit their website at the following link: